Today was the first anniversary of David's passing from the physical plane to the non-physical plane. I called Barb (have I mentioned Barb on my blog yet? I don't remember, but she is, or was, David's best friend who scraped me up from the ground and took care of me when he died) and she said she was wondering why she was in a funk for a year and then remembered what day this was. Oh, she is also the person that watched him die with me. Anyway, we decided we were really mad at him, and from now on we are calling this David sucks day.
I woke up nauseated, wondering if I should call in sick? I ended up taking a couple of Tums and my favorite herbal remedy, went to work and bought a car! David would have loved that. Today was the day that my 5 week wait was over. My credit union finally found my first ever exactly-what-I-wanted (short of brand new) car!! I've been hauling around a Toyota Camry, a virtual tank. I keep bashing it into things and scraping it and denting it. I just wanted a nice small car that fit me so I could stop bashing up my car. And today I became the proud owner of a 2006 Toyota Corolla, 72K miles, silver, pristine accident record, only 2 previous owners, has power everything and cruise control (mandatory - I can drive "handicapped" when my hip acts up), tinted windows (the kind with a lifetime guarantee) and all sorts of extra interior/exterior protective add-ons, and I will be able to trade in my old car and get all the DMV paperwork done without ever having to leave my office or talk to an auto salesman! My credit union rocks!
Your usual expertise made this a blog with feeling, and love.
The perfect Friday then Aunt Liddy :)