Wednesday, July 21, 2010

The Document Center Sees the Light

This is the first time I ever wrote a blog post as it was happening!

I’m having such a trippy morning! I walked into the document center and the lights were blazing! I felt like I was walking onto a movie set. I had much to say about it, but G, my co worker who has a sign at his station that says, “Mouth Open Already a Mistake,” remained silent for a long time before he finally said in his dry way, “Oh, so it was M (our night operator) who was pushing for this?”  I took that as his way of agreeing it was a bit much.

I rushed to log on, as an email came in from attorney GB: “Can I get this ASAP, i.,e. before the other project I sent down? Thanks.” As soon as my computer was up I emailed him, “This shall be done in the GB Department.” His reply (copying his secretary): “Have nameplates prepared and attached to a desk dedicated to me alone.” My reply, “Uh... I would try to think of a witty response, but a GB rush just came in!!” His response, “Jsut work, baby, just work......” (again, copying his secretary).

Then T, an entertainment attorney, popped in and said, “Whoa!!” I said, “I know, huh? It really is striking, right? It’s like walking onto a movie set. How do you like it?” He said, “Well, it doesn’t really fit the mood I’m used to, G’s classical music…dim lights...ambiance...”

Then the tech manager came in and said, “Wow!” I told him I feel so lit up now, and he said, “yeah, but you can see now!” I guess he would take the ergonomic point of view.

Then secretary J came in to kibbitz. “Are you guys working hard today?” she asked coyly, in other words, “my, those are bright lights.” I told her yes, I’m working hard, and I keep getting interrupted by people coming in and commenting on the lights!” She started talking about putting a pad on the lights, like a case for an ipod. I asked her, “did you just suggest padding the lights?” “She said, “Yes,” so I then asked, “What have you been smoking this morning?”  As the three of us cracked up G was inspired to finally open his mouth and offer melting down the bulbs and coloring them. J then contributed, “maybe I’m seeing the light of heaven, and I’m walking into the light.” I told her we should prepare for becoming a very popular place.

Next K, previous entertainment attorney T’s buddy, came in, looked around, and asked: “What’s different in here?” Long pause while I tried to figure out if he was joking.  He wasn't joking. He finally exclaimed, “Oh, the lights are on!” I cracked up and asked incredulously, "You just noticed? He said, “Yeah! I noticed!” I was kind of gaping at him, as he asserted, “I’m observant!  Extremely observant!  That’s what you were gonna say, right?” “Uh, no, actually, I was going to say you’re a little slow!” “That too!” he said, as he turned and left.

11:30: Finished GB’s job, and sent this email: “I would have gotten this to you sooner, but everyone keeps coming in here to comment on how bright the lights are in here now. I feel like I'm on display in a disco!!” G sent him a "DONE" email on his other job at the exact same time, so I told him he will be in hog heaven.  G told me that I will be in hog heaven because he’s taking “The Form.” This was a request to revise an Internal Revenue Code form, that we had been waiting a couple of days to receive in FedEx. I was dreading the arrival of that Fed Ex because I really didn’t want to have to do that form. So, I asked G, “Oh, the Fed Ex came in?” He said, “no, they pdf’ed it (meaning scanned it to Adobe and emailed it) which they could have done in the first place, and which I just decided not to complicate things by mentioning.” G has just been cracking me up all morning. He seriously lives with “keep mouth closed” as his mantra. So, I told him he was right, I was in heaven, and he was so good to me, and he said, “you only say that because it’s true.”

Well, my rush was finally done, I could make myself some tea and toast. I toss off fixing tea and toast as if it is an every day thing, but actually, this is the first time I have ever done it. In fact, I found out for the first time today that there is a toaster at work - and I don’t even have tea at home. But since I had nothing to eat at home but soy cream cheese and stale bread, I brought that and found some of my favorite jelly in the fridge at work and made tea, and it is a delightful breakfast (it is now noon), and I think I may just do this every day from now on!

Met my stoner friend in the kitchen and asked him if he’d been in the doc center yet. He hadn’t, and I told him it will be quite an experience.  As we down the hall he commented “oh yeah, wow!” just upon seeing the glow emanating from our door.

G just left on his lunch break with “try not to fall asleep.” He walked out the door, to return within a moment, climb up on his desk, reach into the lighting fixture and unscrew one of the bulbs. He came back a few moments later, pleased: “Oh, that makes a big difference! It’s like you can walk in here now and not feel like you’re getting hit with a hammer.”

More as this day develops!

Oops! I just spilled tea all over my keyboard!  And my chair and my clothes!  And tea kept dripping out of my keyboard as I held it upside down and banged on it.  And it still works.  It's a miracle!  It has got to be this light.  This divine light searing our eyeballs shines upon us and blesses all.

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