Thursday, October 14, 2010

Food is illegal!!
Here's footage of a police raid on the local food co-op a couple miles up the street from me. I've been going there since it was just a truck that would park clandestinely in different places to sell it's illegal contraband, such as raw, organic milk, cream, honey, produce, meat and fish.  Things the public should really be protected from!  I found out about the truck because about 15 years ago I complained to the owner of my local health food store about the inconsistent raw milk supply.  She was a little old lady that snuck me into her back room, which looked just like out of a movie, dark with a single electric light bulb.  She pulled out some raw milk from an unlabeled refrigerator.  I asked her, are you selling this to me illegally?  She didn't answer, just flashed me a little-old-lady Mona Lisa smile.  I then asked her who her supplier was, and she told me, and from then on I got it straight from the supplier in his clandestine truck.  I wanted to deal directly with the supplier and know when it was in town, rather than just "hoping" the store would have it.  It was the supplier that was actually keeping the raw farms operational, anyway, so he would be the one to know if there was any available to even sell. 

And as if this wasn't enough drama, now the local raw food movement leader has charged the founder of the co-op with supplying tainted, non-organic food, and the co-op manager has responded with accusations of his own.  Wow, drama!!!

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