Bubih pregnant with Mom (1911):
By 1913 Mom was joined by Uncle Irving:

The family in 1920:
The family in 1922:

I do not know why Zadih isn't in any of the pictures. Is he the one taking them? Was he away from home? The story is the cops were going to arrest him for taking down anti-semetic posters. Word of his impending arrest reached home, Bubih quickly packed his suitcase, and sent him away as soon as he got home, and that's when he came to America and I owe my life in the land of the free to him. But I don't know what years those were. Anyway, here he is in 1911:
Here's Bubih and Zadih, 1913
Mom and Uncle Irv with governess, 1920
Tween Mom:
Mom and bro Irv, 1923:
Family portrait, 1924:
1925, Mom and Irving sharing a rock with another brother/sister pair, my Aunt Lilyan Pell (who I spoke about in my post about being agent of the Pell estate), and her brother, Phil. My mom is on the left making a funny face.
Same group, same day, more friends, 1925 (that's Uncle Irv hamming it up in front):
1926, graduation from...?
Mom (on right) with first husband before she married my dad (a real shocker to learn from Uncle Irv as adults!). The guy she married was their Hebrew teacher, and apparently very charismatic and all his students were in love with him. The story I was told was one day Aunt Lil saw him at the opera with another woman, and that was the end of my mother's first marriage. Also in the photo is Aunt Lil (on left) and Aunt Belle (middle).
These next 3 pictures are in the 1930s, I'm guessing:
I think this is 40s:
Mom and me, 1955:
My family, 1957:
My last picture with Mom, 1958:
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